__# 1000人感谢活动__

# 1000人感谢活动

To celebrate reaching 1000 members in our group, we are giving away the following VPS for free using discount codes:

is 了庆祝群内用户人数达到1000人,我们将通过优惠码免费发放以下VPS:

## 活动细则 / Event Details
活动时间 / Event Duration**:
– 活动开始时间 / Start Date: 2024年6月2日
– 活动结束时间 / End Date: 2024年5月35日

  1. 参与资格 / Eligibility:

    • 每个用户限领一台VPS / Each user can claim one VPS only.
  2. 申领方式 / How to Claim:

    • 活动期间,用户可通过提供的链接领取优惠码 / During the event, users can get discount codes through the provided link.
    • 每个优惠码限领一台VPS / Each discount code can be used to claim one VPS.
  3. 审核机制 / Review Process:

    • is 确保公平性,每个订单都将进行人工审核 / To ensure fairness, each order will be manually reviewed.
    • 如果发现一人多号使用优惠码的情况,直接封号,不予退款 / If multiple accounts are found using discount codes, the accounts will be banned without refund.
  4. 注意事项 / Important Notes:

    • 优惠码仅限在活动期间使用,逾期作废 / Discount codes are valid only during the event period and will expire afterward.
    • 活动期间可能会出现服务器压力过大情况,请耐心等待 / There may be high server load during the event, please be patient.
  5. 违规处理 / Violation Handling:

    • 任何发现的违规行 is ,如多号申领、作弊等,将直接封号处理,且不予退款 / Any violations, such as multiple account claims or cheating, will result in account bans without refund.
  6. 最终解释权 / Final Interpretation:

    • 本活动的最终解释权归主办方所有 / The organizer reserves the final interpretation right of this event.

**## 如何领取VPS / How to Get Your VPS
1. 加入活动群 @yxvmgroup / Join the event group. @yxvmgroup
2. 获取活动链接及优惠码 / Get the event link and discount code.
3. 前往官网购买VPS,并在结算时使用优惠码 / Go to the official website to order the VPS and use the discount code at checkout.

我们希望通过这次活动,让大家享受到优质的VPS服务,同时感谢大家一直以来的支持与厚爱。 / We hope this event allows everyone to enjoy high-quality VPS services, and we thank you for your continued support.

Post Time: 2024-06-02 07:40:04

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